
North Korea trumpets self

North Korean scientists wave the national flag during a military parade in Pyongyang's Kim Il-sung Square on September 9,<strong></strong> 2013, to mark the 65th anniversary of the country's founding. AP-Yonhap.
North Korean scientists wave the national flag during a military parade in Pyongyang's Kim Il-sung Square on September 9, 2013, to mark the 65th anniversary of the country's founding. AP-Yonhap.

By Jung Da-min

North Korea has pushed its achievements and highlighted the festive mood in the country four days before its Sept. 9 foundation day celebration.

The ruling Workers' Party of Korea mouthpiece Rodong Sinmun on Wednesday reported on the country's internal and external politics, economic and educational performance and the various events to mark foundation day.

In particular, the newspaper devoted two-thirds of its Wednesday edition ― four pages ― to highlighting the country's self-reliant economy and the greatness of its education systems, revealing national policy directions to strengthen the country's socialist economy.

Kim Jong-un's visit to the bier of Ju Kyu-chang, who was a key figure in the country's missile and nuclear weapons development, was covered on the front page, but there were no other reports on the country's military policy.

In April, Kim vowed to abolish the dual military-economic policy of "Byeongjin," which had dominated for the past five years, putting more of the nation's focus on pursuing economic strategies so it will be recognized as a "normal country" in the international community.

The decision, adopted at the third plenary meeting of the seventh Workers' Party of Korea Central Committee, stated that North Korea would stop nuclear and intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) tests from April 21. This has been seen as part of moves for reconciliation with the South and the United States.

Since then there have been hurdles in discussions between the North and the U.S. over denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and declaration of the official end of the 1950-53 Korean War. But the North is not expected to provoke the U.S. by showing off ICBMs at the Sept. 9 military parade.

The newspaper also emphasized that the country's economy has performed well despite "appalling conditions," thanks to its people's unity and technologies, and encouraged them to unite against international sanctions.

Kim has been on a tour to point out what is wrong with the North's industries and factories, encouraging them to improve to increase output.

The paper also gave examples of mining and factory colleges to highlight the excellence of the national education system.

Li Zhangshu, chairman of China's National People's Congress Standing Committee and the third-ranking official in the ruling Communist Party's Politburo Standing Committee, will lead a delegation to the North for foundation day, the paper reported. The Russian delegation will be led by Valentina Matvienko, chairwoman of the Russian Federation Council.

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