
North Korean outlet accuses South Korea of 'sharpening knife behind curtain of peace'

A North Korean military guard post is <strong></strong>seen from Paju, South Korea, near the border with North Korea, Sept. 8. Yonhap
A North Korean military guard post is seen from Paju, South Korea, near the border with North Korea, Sept. 8. Yonhap

A North Korean propaganda outlet on Sunday blasted South Korea's recently announced defense plan, accusing Seoul of "sharpening a knife aimed at the brethren behind a curtain of peace."

The South's defense ministry unveiled the mid-term defense plan early this month, including developing a massive ballistic missile as powerful as a tactical nuclear weapon that can destroy underground missile facilities and bases by penetrating underground tunnels.

Meari, a North Korean propaganda website, denounced the plan on Sunday, claiming it is aimed at improving capabilities of striking key facilities in North Korea.

"The South Korean authorities, who like to emphasize dialogue and peace every time they open their mouths, are actually sharpening a knife aimed at the brethren behind a curtain of peace," the website said.

"There is no longer a need to discuss who is threatening peace on the Korean Peninsula and worsening inter-Korean relations," it said. (Yonhap)

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